Cookies policy

Cookies are small files that websites store in the user’s browser when they visit them, and they are necessary to provide numerous advantages in web navigation when delivering interactive services. These files allow storing data on the user’s terminal ranging from a few kilobytes to several megabytes.

The following information on the possible types of cookies will help you better understand and appreciate our cookie policy:

  1. Session cookies: are temporary cookies that remain on your computer until you leave the website that uses them.
    the web page that uses them, so none of them remain registered on the user’s disk. The information obtained by means of these cookies is used to make possible the operational management with each of the users with each of the users who are simultaneously accessing the website.
  2. Persistent cookies: are cookies that remain stored in the cookie space of your computer after you have left the website your computer once you have left the website, and which will be consulted again by the website the next time you access it, in order to the next time you access the website, in order to remember information that will make browsing easier (e.g.: directly accessing the service without having to that facilitates browsing (e.g.: direct access to the service without the need for the login process) or the provision of a commercial service (e.g.: offering products or services related to previous visits).

Cookies exchanged when browsing a website may be:

  1. First-party or own cookies: sare cookies generated by the website you are visiting.

  2. Third-party cookies: are cookies that you receive when you browse that website, but which are generated by a third party service that is hosted by that website. generated by a third party service that is hosted on the website. An example would be a cookie used by an advertisement or banner. An example would be the cookie used by an advertisement or banner ad on the web page you are visiting. This could be a cookie used by the website you are visiting. Another might be a cookie used by a web beacon hired by the website you are visiting. hired by the website you are visiting.